The Marmite Fence

In 2019 the fence alongside the B2178, opposite Oakwood, was replaced. The previous wooden post and barbed wire fence had reached the end of its life having suffered the effects of the elements, vehicle crashes, deer strikes and falling timber. The replacement fencing is a stock-proof 1.2m X-fence galvanised product supported by the Clipex post […]

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Waking up on February 1st 2020 to some it will feel like everything has changed. Maybe even as if the world has changed. But for the majority of living things, almost all of life on planet earth, nothing has changed. Least of all the seasons. We would do well to remember that as humans, how […]

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Health, Safety and Exhilaration

There exists a certain gulf, or maybe a canyon, between the two lands of health and safety on the one side and exhilaration on the other. Between lies a certain mystery at how the two might be joined. Surely it is not necessary for these two concepts to live in total isolation. Yet attempts to […]

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John Muir quote

“Life seems neither long nor short, and we take no more heed to save time or make haste than do the trees and stars. This is true freedom, a good practical sort of immortality.” 13th June 1869, My First Summer in the Sierra, John Muir

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Sennicotts Garden’s Open to the public for National Garden’s Scheme (NGS) charities. Sunday 9th June 2019 10am – 5pm Monday 10th June 2019 9am – 4pm Monday 17th June 2019 9am – 4pm Monday 24th June 2019 9am – 4pm Adults £4, children free More information at

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A letter to the community

I recently heard Chichester’s A27 dilemma likened to the current Brexit chaos. While there are similarities there is one substantial difference. With Brexit no one really knows what we can or can’t have in our negotiations with the EU. On the other hand with the A27 at Chichester the Highways Authority have been consistently clear, […]

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