Bugs on the windscreen
For years I have been wondering why on long journeys during the summer in the UK we have been arriving at our destinations with barely a single bug splat on the windscreen. Many times on one of those long journeys, in an idle moment, my mind has wondered to ‘why now no bugs?’, when in […]
Proposals for Chichester to expand by one mile in 6 years.
Sennicotts was built in 1810 one and half miles North West of the City of Chichester. By 1960 the Parklands Estate had been built and Sennicotts found itself one mile to the North West of Chichester. In 2019 Sennicotts would still be one mile to the North West of Chichester. At the time of writing, […]
A perspective on Climate Change free of the shouting, manipulating, and politicising – from 1983
William Elliott of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration put it less formally: “If I had to make a prediction for the year 2025, I would say that it will be warmer than today. But I could be wrong, of course.”
Looking for the answers…
Love rarely has all the answers, but it does tend to make sense of things.
walking in the woods, with the camera…
Mr & Mrs Mallard and …
We should have been opening the garden to the public for the National Gardens Scheme today. Current pandemic restrictions make that impossible. Instead we were greeted with a delightful surprise. Every year in May, without fail for at least the last ten years, we are visited by a pair of wild Mallard Ducks. They arrive, […]
#ripevinrude #priorybay #bembridge #moon #ribcraft #wildswimming #thankyou http://news.brp.com/news-releases/news-release-details/brp-advances-marine-strategy-focusing-boats-and-new-technologies
Due to the UK COVID-19 Pandemic Response
Sennicotts Gardens will sadly NOT 🚫 be open to the public on 7 June as originally published in the National Gardens Scheme Yellow Book. We apologise but will definitely be back in 2021. A number of other NGS gardens are opening virtually and details can be found on the NGS website www.ngs.org.uk
Dawn Chorus at Sennicotts during lock down
A huge amount of excellent comment has been made about the pros and cons of the Coronavirus lock down. I don’t think at this time I have anything particularly new to say other than to add my thanks to the NHS staff in particular. It is humbling to be a human at this time. I […]